Source code for Model.StockPriceGetter

import os
import sys
import inspect
import requests
import json
import logging

currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir)
sys.path.insert(0, parentdir)

from Utils.TaskThread import TaskThread
from Utils.ConfigurationManager import ConfigurationManager
from Utils.Utils import Markets

[docs]class StockPriceGetter(TaskThread): def __init__(self, config, onNewPriceDataCallback): TaskThread.__init__(self) self.config = config self.onNewPriceDataCallback = onNewPriceDataCallback self.reset()"StockPriceGetter initialised") def _read_configuration(self): # Override the parent class default value self._interval = self.config.get_alpha_vantage_polling_period()
[docs] def task(self): priceDict = {} for symbol in self.symbolList: if not self._finished.isSet(): value = self._fetch_price_data(symbol) # Wait as suggested by AlphaVantage support self._timeout.wait(2) if value is not None: priceDict[symbol] = value if not self._finished.isSet(): self.lastData = priceDict # Store internally self.onNewPriceDataCallback() # Notify the model
def _fetch_price_data(self, symbol): # TODO use alpha_vantage lib instead of manual request try: url = self._build_url( "TIME_SERIES_DAILY", symbol, "5min", self.config.get_alpha_vantage_api_key(), ) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) logging.error( "StockPriceGetter - Unable to build url for {}".format(symbol) ) return None try: response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code != 200: logging.error( "StockPriceGetter - Request for {} returned code {}".format( url.split("apikey")[0], response.status_code ) ) return None data = json.loads(response.text) timeSerie = data["Time Series (Daily)"] last = next(iter(timeSerie.values())) value = float(last["4. close"]) except Exception: logging.error( "StockPriceGetter - Unable to fetch data from {}".format( url.split("apikey")[0] ) ) value = None return value def _build_url(self, aLength, aSymbol, anInterval, anApiKey): function = "function={}".format(aLength) symbol = "symbol={}".format(self.convert_market_to_alphavantage(aSymbol)) apiKey = "apikey={}".format(anApiKey) return "{}?{}&{}&{}".format( self.config.get_alpha_vantage_base_url(), function, symbol, apiKey )
[docs] def convert_market_to_alphavantage(self, symbol): """ Convert the market (LSE, etc.) into the alphavantage market compatible string i.e.: the LSE needs to be converted to LON """ # Extract the market part from the symbol string market = str(symbol).split(":")[0] av_market = Markets[market] return "{}:{}".format(av_market.value, str(symbol).split(":")[1])
def get_last_data(self): return self.lastData def set_symbol_list(self, aList): self.symbolList = aList def reset(self): self._read_configuration() self.lastData = {} self.symbolList = []