Source code for Model.DatabaseHandler

import os
import sys
import inspect
import logging

currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(
parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir)
sys.path.insert(0, parentdir)

from Utils.Utils import Utils
from Utils.Trade import Trade

[docs]class DatabaseHandler(): """ Handles the IO operation with the database to handle persistent data """ def __init__(self, config): """ Initialise """ # By default use the configured filepath filepath = config.get_trading_database_path() self.db_filepath = filepath.replace('{home}', Utils.get_home_path()) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.db_filepath), exist_ok=True) # Create an empty list to store trades from database self.trading_history = []'DatabaseHandler initialised')
[docs] def read_data(self, filepath=None): """ Read the trade history from the json database and return the list of trades - **filepath**: optional, if not set the configured path will be used """ path = filepath.replace('{home}', Utils.get_home_path()) if filepath is not None else self.db_filepath'DatabaseHandler - reading data from {}'.format(path)) self.db_filepath = path json_obj = Utils.load_json_file(path) self.trading_history.clear() if json_obj is not None: # Create a list of all the trades in the json file for item in json_obj['trades']: trade = Trade.from_dict(item) # Store the list internally self.trading_history.append(trade)
[docs] def write_data(self, filepath=None): """ Write the trade history to the database """ path = filepath.replace('{home}', Utils.get_home_path()) if filepath is not None else self.db_filepath'DatabaseHandler - writing data to {}'.format(path)) # Create a json object and store the trade history into it json_obj = { 'trades': [] } for t in self.trading_history: json_obj['trades'].append(t.to_dict()) # Write to file return Utils.write_json_file(path, json_obj)
[docs] def get_db_filepath(self): """ Return the database filepath """ return self.db_filepath
[docs] def get_trades_list(self): """ Return the list of trades stored in the db """ return self.trading_history
[docs] def add_trade(self, trade): """ Add a trade to the database """ try: self.trading_history.append(trade)'DatabaseHandler - adding trade {}'.format(trade)) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) raise RuntimeError('Unable to add trade to the database')
[docs] def remove_last_trade(self): """ Remove the last trade from the trade history """ try: del self.trading_history[-1]'DatabaseHandler - removed last trade') except Exception as e: logging.error(e) raise RuntimeError('Unable to delete last trade')