Source code for TradingMate

import os
import sys
import inspect
import logging
import datetime as dt
import subprocess
import re

currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir)
sys.path.insert(0, parentdir)

from Model.DatabaseHandler import DatabaseHandler
from Model.Portfolio import Portfolio
from Utils.ConfigurationManager import ConfigurationManager
from Utils.Utils import Utils, Messages
from import StocksInterfaceFactory

DEFAULT_LOG_FILEPATH = os.path.join(
    Utils.get_install_path(), "log", "trading_mate_{timestamp}.log"
    Utils.get_install_path(), "config", "config.json"

[docs]class TradingMate: """ Main class that handles the interaction between the User Interface and the underlying business logic of the whole application """ def __init__( self, config_filepath=DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILEPATH, log_filepath=DEFAULT_LOG_FILEPATH ): self._setup_logging(log_filepath) # Read TradingMate configuration self.configurationManager = ConfigurationManager(config_filepath) # Create the portfolios self._create_portfolios()"TradingMate initialised") def _setup_logging(self, log_filepath): """ Setup the global logging settings """ time_str = time_suffix = time_str.replace(":", "_").replace(".", "_") self._app_log_filepath = log_filepath.replace("{timestamp}", time_suffix) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self._app_log_filepath), exist_ok=True) logging.basicConfig( filename=self._app_log_filepath, level=logging.INFO, format="[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s", ) def _create_portfolios(self): """Create the portfolios from the configured trading logs""" self.portfolios = [] for log_path in self.configurationManager.get_trading_database_path(): self.portfolios.append(Portfolio(self.configurationManager, log_path)) # Public API
[docs] def get_portfolios(self): """Return the list of active portfolios""" return self.portfolios
[docs] def close_view_event(self): """ Callback function to handle close event of the user interface """ for pf in self.portfolios: pf.stop()"TradingMate stop")
[docs] def manual_refresh_event(self, portfolio_id): """ Callback function to handle refresh data request """ for pf in self.portfolios: if pf.get_id() == portfolio_id: pf.on_manual_refresh_live_data()
[docs] def set_auto_refresh(self, enabled, portfolio_id): """ Callback function to handle set/unset of auto refresh data """ for pf in self.portfolios: if pf.get_id() == portfolio_id: pf.set_auto_refresh(enabled)
[docs] def new_trade_event(self, new_trade, portfolio_id): """ Callback function to handle new trade event """ f"TradingMate - new trade {new_trade.to_string()} for portfolio {portfolio_id}" ) for pf in self.portfolios: if pf.get_id() == portfolio_id: pf.add_trade(new_trade)
[docs] def delete_trade_event(self, portfolio_id, trade_id): """ Callback function to handle delete of a trade """ "TradingMate - delete trade {} for portfolio {}".format( trade_id, portfolio_id ) ) for pf in self.portfolios: if pf.get_id() == portfolio_id: pf.delete_trade(trade_id)
[docs] def open_portfolio_event(self, filepath): """ Callback function to handle request to open a new portfolio file """"TradingMate - open portfolio: {}".format(filepath)) # Create a new Portfolio from the filepath pf = Portfolio(self.configurationManager, filepath) self.portfolios.append(pf)
[docs] def save_portfolio_event(self, portfolio_id, filepath): """ Callback function to handle request to save/export the portfolio """ "TradingMate - save portfolio {} to {}".format(portfolio_id, filepath) ) for pf in self.portfolios: if pf.get_id() == portfolio_id: pf.save_portfolio(filepath)
[docs] def get_settings_event(self): """ Callback to handle request to show the settings panel """ return self.configurationManager.get_editable_config()
[docs] def save_settings_event(self, config): """ Callback to save edited settings """ self.configurationManager.save_settings(config) self._create_portfolios()"TradingMate - portfolios reloaded after settings update")
[docs] def get_app_log_filepath(self): """Return the full filepath of the log file of application current session""" return self._app_log_filepath
def get_app_version(self): # Find the app version with pip output = subprocess.Popen( "pip3 show TradingMate".split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) # Extract the version from the command output match = r"Version:\s([0-9].[0-9].[0-9])", str(output.communicate()[0]) ) if match is None: return "Unknown" return def get_market_details(self, market_ticker): # Currently only yfinance support this feature if ( "yfinance" not in self.configurationManager.get_configured_stocks_interface() ): raise RuntimeError(Messages.UNSUPPORTED_BROKER_FEATURE.value) inteface = StocksInterfaceFactory( self.configurationManager ).make_from_configuration() try: return inteface.get_market_details(market_ticker) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"TradingMate get_market_details - {e}") raise RuntimeError(Messages.SOMETHING_WRONG.value)
def main(): # Initialise the business logic tm = TradingMate() # Initialise the user interface from UI.gtk.UIHandler import UIHandler UIHandler(tm).start() if __name__ == "__main__": main()