2. Modules

Each section of this document provides the source code documentation of each component of TradingMate.

2.1. TradingMate

class tradingmate.TradingMate(config_filepath: pathlib.Path = PosixPath('/home/docs/.TradingMate/config/config.json'))[source]

Main class that handles the interaction between the User Interface and the underlying business logic of the application

close_view_event() → None[source]

Callback function to handle close event of the user interface

delete_trade_event(portfolio_id: str, trade_id: str) → None[source]

Callback function to handle delete of a trade


Return the full filepath of the log file of application current session

get_portfolios() → List[tradingmate.model.portfolio.Portfolio][source]

Return the list of active portfolios


Callback to handle request to show the settings panel

manual_refresh_event(portfolio_id: str) → None[source]

Callback function to handle refresh data request

new_trade_event(new_trade: tradingmate.model.trade.Trade, portfolio_id: str) → None[source]

Callback function to handle new trade event

open_portfolio_event(filepath: pathlib.Path) → None[source]

Callback function to handle request to open a new portfolio file

save_portfolio_event(portfolio_id: str, filepath: pathlib.Path) → None[source]

Callback function to handle request to save/export the portfolio


Callback to save edited settings

set_auto_refresh(enabled: bool, portfolio_id: str) → None[source]

Callback function to handle set/unset of auto refresh data

2.2. Model

The model module contains the business logic and the data management of TradingMate.

2.2.1. Holding

class tradingmate.model.Holding(symbol: str, quantity: int, open_price: Optional[float] = None)[source]

Represent a current open position for a Market

add_quantity(value: int) → None[source]

Add or subtract (if value is negative) the value to the holding quantity

2.2.2. Portfolio

class tradingmate.model.Portfolio(config: tradingmate.model.configuration.ConfigurationManager, trading_log_path: pathlib.Path)[source]

Represent a trading portfolio including cash available and open market positions. The portfolio is based on a list of trades read from the trading log

add_trade(new_trade: tradingmate.model.trade.Trade) → None[source]

Add a new trade into the Portfolio

delete_trade(trade_id: str) → None[source]

Remove a trade from the Portfolio

get_cash_available() → float[source]

Return the available cash quantity in the portfolio [int]

get_cash_deposited() → float[source]

Return the amount of cash deposited in the portfolio [int]

get_holding_last_price(symbol: str) → Optional[float][source]

Return the last price for the given symbol

get_holding_list() → List[tradingmate.model.holding.Holding][source]

Return a list of Holding instances held in the portfolio sorted alphabetically

get_holding_open_price(symbol: str) → Optional[float][source]

Return the last price for the given symbol

get_holding_quantity(symbol: str) → int[source]

Return the quantity held for the given symbol

get_holding_symbols() → List[str][source]

Return a list containing the holding symbols as [string] sorted alphabetically

get_holdings_value() → Optional[float][source]

Return the value of the holdings held in the portfolio

get_id() → str[source]

Return the portfolio unique id [string]

get_name() → str[source]

Return the portfolio name [string]

get_open_positions_pl() → Optional[float][source]

Return the sum profit/loss in £ of the current open positions

get_open_positions_pl_perc() → Optional[float][source]

Return the sum profit/loss in % of the current open positions

get_portfolio_path() → pathlib.Path[source]

Return the complete filepath of the portfolio

get_portfolio_pl() → Optional[float][source]

Return the profit/loss in £ of the portfolio over the deposited cash

get_portfolio_pl_perc() → Optional[float][source]

Return the profit/loss in % of the portfolio over deposited cash

get_total_value() → Optional[float][source]

Return the value of the whole portfolio as cash + holdings

get_trade_history() → List[tradingmate.model.trade.Trade][source]

Return the trade history as a list

has_unsaved_changes() → bool[source]

Return True if the portfolio has unsaved changes, False othersise

save_portfolio(filepath: pathlib.Path) → None[source]

Save the portfolio at the given filepath

2.2.3. DatabaseHandler

class tradingmate.model.DatabaseHandler(config: tradingmate.model.configuration.ConfigurationManager, trading_log_path: pathlib.Path)[source]

Handles the IO operation with the database to handle persistent data

add_trade(trade: tradingmate.model.trade.Trade) → None[source]

Add a trade to the database

delete_trade(trade_id: str) → None[source]

Remove the trade from the trade history

get_db_filepath() → pathlib.Path[source]

Return the database filepath

get_trades_list() → List[tradingmate.model.trade.Trade][source]

Return the list of trades stored in the db

get_trading_log_name() → str[source]

Return the trading log database name

read_data(filepath: pathlib.Path = None)[source]

Read the trade history from the json database and return the list of trades

  • filepath: optional, if not set the configured path will be used
write_data(filepath: pathlib.Path = None) → bool[source]

Write the trade history to the database

2.2.4. StockPriceGetter

class tradingmate.model.StockPriceGetter(config: tradingmate.model.configuration.ConfigurationManager, update_callback: Callable[[], None])[source]

Worker thread that fetches market live prices from an online source

task() → None[source]

The task done by this thread - override in subclasses

2.2.5. ConfigurationManager

class tradingmate.model.ConfigurationManager(config_path: pathlib.Path)[source]

Class that loads the configuration and credentials files exposing methods to provide the configurable parameters

get_alpha_vantage_api_key() → str[source]

Get the alphavantage api key

get_alpha_vantage_base_url() → str[source]

Get the alphavantage API base URI

get_alpha_vantage_polling_period() → float[source]

Get the alphavantage configured polling period

get_configured_stocks_interface() → str[source]

Get the active configured stock interface

get_credentials_path() → pathlib.Path[source]

Get the filepath of the credentials file

get_editable_config() → Dict[str, Any][source]

Get a dictionary containing the editable configuration parameters

get_log_filepath() → pathlib.Path[source]

Get the filepath of the log file

get_polling_period() → float[source]

Get the application polling period

get_trading_database_path() → List[pathlib.Path][source]

Get the filepath of the trading log file

get_yfinance_polling_period() → float[source]

Get the yfinance configured polling period

save_settings(config: Dict[str, Any]) → bool[source]

Save the edited configuration settings

2.2.6. Trade

class tradingmate.model.Trade(date: datetime.datetime, action: tradingmate.utils.enums.Actions, quantity: float, symbol: str, price: float, fee: float, sdr: float, notes: str, id: str = None)[source]

Represent a trade action

2.3. Broker

The broker module contains the interfaces to connect to the online market brokers

2.3.1. AlphaVantageInterface

class tradingmate.model.broker.AlphaVantageInterface(config: tradingmate.model.configuration.ConfigurationManager)[source]

class providing interfaces to request data from AlphaVantage

get_prices(market_id: str, interval: tradingmate.model.broker.alpha_vantage_interface.AVInterval = <AVInterval.DAILY: 'daily'>) → Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]][source]

Return the price time series of the requested market with the interval granularity. Return None if the interval is invalid

2.3.2. YFinanceInterface

class tradingmate.model.broker.YFinanceInterface(config: tradingmate.model.configuration.ConfigurationManager)[source]

2.3.3. StocksInterface

class tradingmate.model.broker.StocksInterface[source]

2.3.4. StocksInterfaceFactory

class tradingmate.model.broker.StocksInterfaceFactory(config: tradingmate.model.configuration.ConfigurationManager)[source]

Factory for stocks interface class

2.4. UI

The ui module contains the components that compose the User Interface of TradingMate.

2.4.1. DataInterface

class tradingmate.ui.DataInterface(client: tradingmate.ui.trading_mate_client.TradingMateClient, data_callback: Callable[[List[tradingmate.model.portfolio.Portfolio]], None])[source]

Thread that periodically requests the most recent data from TradingMate server notify the parent object through a callback function


The task done by this thread - override in subclasses

2.4.2. TradingMateClient

class tradingmate.ui.TradingMateClient(server: tradingmate.trading_mate.TradingMate)[source]

Client interface to the TradingMate business logic

get_portfolios() → List[tradingmate.model.portfolio.Portfolio][source]

Get the loaded portfolios

get_settings_event() → None[source]

Request server to fetch TradingMate settings

is_portfolio_auto_refreshing(portfolio_id: str) → bool[source]

Return True if portfolio has data auto refresh enabled, False otherwise

manual_refresh_event(portfolio_id: str) → None[source]

Request server to refresh portfolio data

new_trade_event(new_trade: tradingmate.model.trade.Trade, portfolio_id: str) → None[source]

Push new trade notification to the server

open_portfolio_event(filepath: pathlib.Path) → None[source]

Request server to open a portfolio

save_portfolio_event(portfolio_id: str, filepath: pathlib.Path) → None[source]

Request server to save a portfolio

save_settings_event(settings: Dict[str, Any]) → None[source]

Request server to save the settings

set_auto_refresh_event(value: bool, portfolio_id: str) → None[source]

Set server to automatically update data for the portfolio

stop() → None[source]

Handle stop event

unsaved_changes() → bool[source]

Request if open portfolios have unsaved changes and return True

2.4.3. GTK

The gtk module contains the gtk components and widgets of the graphical interface. They are not documented due to a Sphinx issue when importing the gi Python module

2.5. Utils

The utils module contains all the utlity components.

2.5.1. Enums

class tradingmate.utils.Actions[source]

An enumeration.

class tradingmate.utils.Markets[source]

An enumeration.

class tradingmate.utils.Messages[source]

An enumeration.

2.5.2. TaskThread

class tradingmate.utils.TaskThread[source]

Thread that executes a task every N seconds


Cancel the timeout and run the task

enable(enabled: bool) → None[source]

Disable/enable this thread

run() → None[source]

Method representing the thread’s activity.

You may override this method in a subclass. The standard run() method invokes the callable object passed to the object’s constructor as the target argument, if any, with sequential and keyword arguments taken from the args and kwargs arguments, respectively.

setInterval(interval: float) → None[source]

Set the number of seconds we sleep between executing our task

shutdown() → None[source]

Stop this thread

task() → None[source]

The task done by this thread - override in subclasses

2.5.3. Utils

class tradingmate.utils.Utils[source]

Class that provides utility functions

static get_install_path() → str[source]

Returns the installation path of TradingMate

static load_json_file(filepath: pathlib.Path) → Any[source]

Load a JSON formatted file from the given filepath

  • filepath The filepath including filename and extension
  • Return a dictionary of the loaded json
static write_json_file(filepath: pathlib.Path, data: Any) → bool[source]

Write a python dict object into a file with json formatting

-filepath The filepath -data The python dict to write - Return True if succed, False otherwise